Wednesday, January 15, 2014

12th Grade Government

My brother is currently a senior at the high school I attended, the same high school that I have mainly been subbing at.

When I was called to sub for this particular teacher, I accepted the job even though I knew that my brother (who is your standard, means-well-but-is-terribly-unfocused hooligan) was in this teacher's class. And even with the alternating schedule, my brother had this class today, while I was subbing.

Also... today is his 18th birthday. What luck.

I decided to let the students know straight out that I was Kevin's older sister. This also allowed me to enlist their help in singing Happy Birthday to him as soon as he walked into class (late). And I had some balloons for him. He was surprised, but I think he enjoyed it. And he ...mostly followed my instructions. It was a bit of a rowdy day because they were working on group posters, so I let him get away with more than I would have if it had been a bookwork day. And he gave me the second half of a small cake his friend brought him. Which I ate in class. So obviously, I felt really professional.

Not only did I have my brother in class today, but I had several of his friends (who have seen me at home in my pajamas and no makeup, more than once... Awkward.), people I recognized from growing up, and siblings of people I went to high school with.

I have been a substitute teacher for my brother's American Government class. Weird.

Favorite Unusual Names: 
Chibuzo (I asked him and apparently it's a Nigerian name)

1 comment:

  1. When I first started subbing in my old high school it felt pretty weird. When I was in school, I never felt like I stood out, and I did not expect my teachers to remember me. It was surprising how many of them did.
    I cannot imagine what it would have been like if my brother were still in school. I probably would have avoided his classes.

    I like your "Favorite Unusual Name" list. I came across a lot while subbing. "Cinnamon" remains my favorite.
